School vocabulary and idioms

  1. 6. You use it in maths
  2. 8. To measure something
  3. 9. Somewhere you put your school items in
  4. 11. To skip class
  5. 13. Place when you have a brake
  6. 14. You find it in a IT-lab
  7. 15. Someone who always make jokes
  8. 20. Someone who reads a lot
  9. 21. Used to view very small objects
  10. 22. Something very easy
  11. 24. Something to hang papers together
  12. 25. A boom with every definition of words
  1. 1. A class with a lot of creativity
  2. 2. A paper that glue papers together
  3. 3. You use it to cut paper
  4. 4. To succeed
  5. 5. You sit on it in class
  6. 7. Where you pee
  7. 10. You write with it
  8. 12. To calculate something
  9. 16. You take with on your back
  10. 17. Something to erase a word
  11. 18. You make holes in paper with it
  12. 19. A sport room at school
  13. 23. Lab with electric devices