School-Wide Vocabulary Words (version 2)

  1. 4. How are apples and oranges the same and different?
  2. 6. provide proof from the text
  3. 8. the author used context clues to show the meaning of the word
  4. 9. How much is this Pokemon card worth?
  5. 10. The student asks about the Patriot Program.
  6. 13. Can you explain the meaning of this data?
  7. 14. Can you tell the differences between hurricanes and typhoons?
  8. 15. Can you prove that your answer is right?
  1. 1. I need you to include a fruit in this meal.
  2. 2. Students created questions about hurricanes.
  3. 3. look at the text closely to write your text dependent analysis
  4. 5. Natural disasters are destructive.
  5. 7. I concluded it is cold, because she is wearing a coat.
  6. 11. The teacher asked the student to explain their answer in detail.
  7. 12. Mr. Diehl shared a story about something funny that happened yesterday.