School work

  1. 4. - more than needed
  2. 5. - non fat
  3. 6. - in the middle of your wrist and elbow
  4. 8. - makes no sense
  5. 10. - inside
  6. 11. - shout
  7. 12. - notch
  8. 14. - did not finish
  9. 15. - a warning for a future event
  10. 17. - not decent
  11. 19. - the best at something
  12. 21. - did not stop
  13. 22. - make longer
  1. 1. - psychic
  2. 2. - go out
  3. 3. - coming weather
  4. 6. - above your eyebrows
  5. 7. - seeing the big picture
  6. 9. - opposite of fiction
  7. 13. - not the right answer
  8. 16. - the money you make in a job
  9. 18. - to give a gesture with any part of your body
  10. 20. - not wanted and gone from the group
  11. 23. - make it bigger