School work

  1. 2. something to sit on while working
  2. 4. able to eat food there
  3. 7. Something to write on
  4. 8. Picks you up from home and drops you off at school but also home
  5. 9. Able to write and erase
  6. 10. something to do your work on
  7. 12. Keep notes for your work
  8. 14. You have to keep in lunch
  9. 17. When the teacher isn't able to make it
  10. 19. Able to help you in math
  1. 1. The one that runs the school
  2. 3. Something your not suppose to be on
  3. 4. place full of books
  4. 5. The one that teaches you
  5. 6. something to write with computer to do your work online
  6. 9. Place where you play sport
  7. 11. coloring sheet you need
  8. 13. Something you do every Friday
  9. 15. Not able to keep on the table because it might spill
  10. 16. Where you go if you have to pee or poo
  11. 18. Something to read when finished with work