School Work

  1. 2. field a field where children play sports.
  2. 5. truant to stay away from school without permission.
  3. 9. a room in a school where teachers can go when they are not teaching.
  4. 10. a) detention the punishment of being kept at school for a time after other students have gone home.
  5. 11. teacher the teacher in charge of a school.
  6. 12. laboratory a place where students or scientists do experiments.
  1. 1. to force somebody to leave a country, school, club, etc.
  2. 3. a board on a wall for putting written information where everyone can read it.
  3. 4. to damage somebody else’s property on purpose and for no reason.
  4. 6. canteen a place where children eat lunch at school.
  5. 7. to send somebody away from the school, job, position, etc. for a period of time, usually as their punishment.
  6. 8. a list that shows the times at which something happens.