
  1. 3. Where the students plant and water
  2. 9. Mr Walker's job
  3. 10. The green house
  4. 12. Where the ill students go
  5. 13. Mrs Lee's favourite lollies
  6. 14. The red house
  7. 17. Boys School Captain
  8. 18. Where the Fridays assemblies are held
  9. 19. Month of the Country Fair
  1. 1. Where the students cook
  2. 2. Ms Kemp teaches
  3. 4. It's on Wednesday after recess
  4. 5. Where the teachers eat their lunches
  5. 6. Girls School Captain
  6. 7. Mrs Blows favourite sport
  7. 8. How some students travel to school
  8. 11. It's on Friday after recess
  9. 15. Mr Mac's football team
  10. 16. Where you will find Mrs Mason