
  1. 5. You can have lunch here.
  2. 6. This is the place where you can have some fresh air between lessons.
  3. 10. This is the foreign language you study.
  4. 11. Teachers spend time between lessons here.
  5. 13. History, geography, Biology, Literature.
  6. 15. You can buy sandwhiches and drinks here.
  7. 17. You add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers.
  8. 18. You write things in it during the lessons and do your homework here.
  1. 1. This is a place where you go to study.
  2. 2. The woman leader of a school.
  3. 3. The man or woman who teaches you at school.
  4. 4. The students attending the same class as you.
  5. 7. Computer Technology.
  6. 8. Physical Education.
  7. 9. This is the room of your class.
  8. 12. The book you study from at school.
  9. 14. This is the place where you have some exercise 5 times a week.
  10. 16. You can borrow books from here.
  11. 19. This is where you enter the school building.