#SchultzCobb2017 Instagram your favorite wedding pictures!

  1. 3. Favorite tuesday food
  2. 9. Puts out fires
  3. 13. Worlds best breed of dog (2 words)
  4. 15. Misty collects these see-through rocks
  5. 17. What kind of stone is in Mistys ring?
  6. 21. Mother of the bride
  7. 22. Tysons best man
  8. 23. Town Tyson grew up in
  9. 25. Tyson talks to these... a lot
  10. 26. You may now ___ the bride
  11. 27. Word Tyson never says to Misty
  12. 28. Mother of the groom
  13. 29. Where they live now
  14. 30. Beer
  1. 1. Whats under the brides dress?
  2. 2. He better say it... (two words)
  3. 4. Flower of the sun
  4. 5. "Mythical" creature Misty swears she saw
  5. 6. What is on the grooms cufflinks?
  6. 7. green creature painted on the boards below our livingroom tile
  7. 8. Mistys maid of honor
  8. 10. The day he proposed
  9. 11. Big nasty Scottish water monster
  10. 12. years apart in age
  11. 14. First Netflix show we got hooked on (2 words)
  12. 15. Sons name
  13. 16. Where they met
  14. 18. Who does Tyson work for?
  15. 19. Tysons other job title
  16. 20. Misty is covered in ____
  17. 24. the guy who introduced us and married us
  18. 28. Grooms middle name