- 5. I was exhausted and ___________ on the bed.
- 6. Blue jeans are made of this.
- 8. I use this to put hang my clothes.
- 10. No two words are _________.
- 14. Floats in the air.
- 16. I would like butter on my baked __________.
- 18. I went to the _________ to shop.
- 19. Books are divided into _______.
- 1. My mom said I looked like this when I was asleep.
- 2. You climb on this when you are not tall enough.
- 3. Animal associated with Egypt.
- 4. Not your mother but the male.
- 7. Sticks to metal.
- 9. Your mom is a __________.
- 11. Ask for this if you are having trouble
- 12. In tennis you need this to play.
- 13. A place to sit in the living room.
- 15. You get this type of exam from a dentist.
- 17. I beg your _________.