Sci-CYOSG Genetics

  1. 2. Passing of traits from generation to generation
  2. 4. The mathematical chance that an event will occur
  3. 7. Who did all these things? He was the father of genetics, used pea plants to study genetics, and crossed the pea plants 7 times.
  4. 8. What does two slashes through the line mean? BOTH WORDS TOGETHER
  5. 10. What does a line down mean?
  6. 11. Amino acids form what to give us traits?
  7. 13. What does a circle mean?
  8. 14. These are DNA and proteins on a chromosome
  9. 16. What does a square on a pedigree mean?
  10. 18. The study of how genes are passed
  11. 19. What does a line mean? BOTH WORDS TOGETHER
  12. 21. DNA is made of nucleotides and what? NO SPACE IN BETWEEN PUT A DASH IN BETWEEN THE WORDS!
  1. 1. What tool is used to track traits through your family history
  2. 3. What kind of structure is Deoxyribonucleic acd
  3. 5. What tool is used to transfer one trait to another organism.
  4. 6. What kind of acid do nucleotides "code" for?
  5. 9. What tool is used to breed two animals with the desired gene to get the desired trait? NO SPACES ALL ONE WORD
  6. 10. Genes also must be able to be _______
  7. 12. What do two diagonal lines down mean?
  8. 15. What is the RNA sequence for this DNA sequence? CCAGTACGAATCGAT
  9. 17. Genes must be able to supply ________ and build cell _______. ALL ONE WORD NO AND!
  10. 20. Characteristics