
  1. 3. I will confine long _____ and loose clothing or jewelry.
  2. 5. I will perform only assigned _____ and procedures.
  3. 8. I will follow closely all written and verbal _____. I will read the lab procedures before the lab, and I will not skip steps.
  4. 9. I will use the “_____” method when noting odors. I will use the fume hood when working with chemicals that have noxious or toxic fumes.
  1. 1. I will know the locations and operation _____ of all safety equipment in the classroom.
  2. 2. I will read _____ labels twice before using any reagent.
  3. 4. I will wear safety _____ at all times while working in the lab. If I wear contact lenses, I will consult with my eye care professional about wearing contact lenses in the lab.
  4. 6. I will put _____ in my mouth while working in the lab.
  5. 7. I will wear close-toed _____ in the lab(no sandals!).
  6. 10. I will keep _____ away from any substance or object not involved in the lab. I will keep _____ away from flammable liquids.