
  1. 3. The top layer of the earth.
  2. 5. GMO stands for genetically ________ organism
  3. 8. Human tissue is made of a ton of these
  4. 11. When your brain hits the inside of your skull, you can suffer a ________.
  5. 12. _____ tectonics move and create earthquakes.
  6. 13. The digestive system is an example of one of the _____ systems in our bodies.
  1. 1. Scientific tool used to zoom into a sample using a lens.
  2. 2. Name of the last movie we watched in class
  3. 4. Word for reusing materials which helps the environment.
  4. 6. Mascot of the school
  5. 7. Subject of this class
  6. 9. Magma turns into this once it breaks through the earth's crust.
  7. 10. Month school is out