
  1. 3. Negatively charged Ion
  2. 5. Group 1A of Periodic table
  3. 8. Iron is part of the ... Metals
  4. 9. Fe
  5. 14. A+B->AB
  6. 17. Surname of man who invented Atomic theory
  7. 18. Go vertical on the Table
  8. 19. AB->A+B
  9. 22. Is the product of two elements
  10. 24. When reaction has fire or heat
  11. 25. Go horizontal on the Table
  12. 26. Amount of Protons in Hydrogen
  13. 27. Periodic Table of..?
  1. 1. When a metal meets oxygen
  2. 2. Is the sign/word for radiation
  3. 4. CO2
  4. 6. Amount of Protons in Fe
  5. 7. H2O
  6. 10. Something Bohr
  7. 11. Copper is good at ... Electricity
  8. 12. Smallest Atom
  9. 13. Ag
  10. 15. Au
  11. 16. Cu
  12. 20. Positvely charged Ion
  13. 21. First period has, how many atoms?
  14. 23. Who invented the Periodic table?