
  1. 2. (Study of ecosystems)
  2. 4. (Microscopic organisms)
  3. 7. (Basic unit of matter)
  4. 8. (Study of celestial objects)
  5. 9. (Study of matter and energy)
  6. 11. (Study of the Earth's structure and history)
  7. 15. (Genetic material)
  8. 17. (Force of attraction or repulsion)
  9. 18. (Device for viewing small objects)
  10. 20. (Process of gradual change)
  1. 1. (Chemical structure)
  2. 3. (Force that pulls objects together)
  3. 5. (Study of matter and its properties)
  4. 6. (Process in plants to convert sunlight into energy)
  5. 10. (Related to the sun)
  6. 12. (Community of living organisms)
  7. 13. (Study of heredity)
  8. 14. (Basic unit of life)
  9. 16. (Device for observing distant objects)
  10. 19. (Capacity to do work)