
  1. 2. Like dirty snowballs
  2. 3. Chunk of rock or dust that is illuminated upon entering the atmosphere
  3. 4. Third planet from the sun and the only one to support life
  4. 7. Eighth planet from the sun
  5. 8. Found in a belt between the inner and outer planets
  6. 11. Fifth planet from the sun
  7. 12. Seventh planet from the sun
  8. 13. An invention that provided a lot of new information
  9. 15. First planet from the sun
  1. 1. A group of small, close to the sun, rocky planets
  2. 5. A group of large, far from the sun planets
  3. 6. Second planet from the sun
  4. 9. Causes earth day and night
  5. 10. This keeps the planets revolving around the sun
  6. 14. Sixth planet from the sun
  7. 15. Fourth planet from the sun