
  1. 2. in the nervous system and sends signals
  2. 4. pumps blood throughout the whole body
  3. 6. helps you smell
  4. 9. body system full of bones
  5. 13. brings blood away from the heart
  6. 14. attached to muscles
  7. 15. helps you eat, talk, etc
  8. 18. body system in charge of blood
  9. 19. cells in animals
  10. 20. comes from the liver and helps digest food
  1. 1. helps you chew
  2. 3. a long tube
  3. 5. body system that helps you breath
  4. 7. brings blood to the heart
  5. 8. body system that contains nerves
  6. 10. cells in plants
  7. 11. body system that helps you eat
  8. 12. has acids that break down food
  9. 16. attached to bones
  10. 17. helps you bend/move your limbs