
  1. 1. parasites
  2. 5. too much rain
  3. 7. the action of breathing.
  4. 9. the doctrine that mutual dependence is necessary to social well-being.
  5. 10. being shown something
  6. 13. a group in an area
  7. 15. non living organisms
  8. 16. no rain
  9. 17. fighting for resources
  10. 18. a type of closely related organisms
  11. 20. water going to clouds
  12. 22. an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm.
  13. 23. double-membrane-bound organelle
  14. 24. a warm house that helps plants grow
  15. 25. the state or process of rotting; decay.
  16. 27. the system of the environment
  17. 32. the cycle of rain fall
  18. 33. relating to biology or living organisms.
  19. 35. water moving through the plant
  20. 37. hydrocircle
  21. 38. having power in an area
  22. 40. a synonym for association
  23. 42. opposite of prey
  24. 43. a place which organisms live
  25. 45. to trap something
  26. 46. living organisms
  27. 48. opposite of predator
  1. 2. moving to a different area
  2. 3. introducing poisonous material
  3. 4. a group of various species
  4. 6. makes leaves green
  5. 8. a really big star
  6. 11. dark ......
  7. 12. biocircle
  8. 14. lithocircle
  9. 18. long term biological interactions
  10. 19. not affected
  11. 21. cutting down trees
  12. 26. the transaction that plants do to produce oxygen
  13. 28. moving from a place
  14. 29. matches make ....
  15. 30. movement of atoms
  16. 31. reproduction
  17. 34. the sugar in the plant
  18. 36. small holes in the leaves
  19. 39. th capture something again
  20. 41. a method of counting areas
  21. 44. setting something on fire
  22. 47. stuff that we need to breath