
  1. 6. something burning
  2. 7. a population living in the same place
  3. 12. a parasite lives with a host, the host receives harm
  4. 13. powerhouse of the cell
  5. 15. one party benefits the other neither receives harm or benefits
  6. 18. moving to another country permanently
  7. 21. liquid to gas
  8. 23. striving to win over something superior
  9. 25. animals coming together to breed
  10. 28. relating to biology or organisms
  11. 29. mutual dependence
  12. 30. process of water movement through a plant
  13. 31. an animal that preys on others
  14. 35. outermost shell of earth, the crust and upper mantle
  15. 36. the action of capturing or being captured
  16. 37. an animal killed for food
  17. 38. animals and plants need it to live and breath
  18. 40. loose association between organisms of the same species
  19. 41. energy currency of life
  20. 43. intake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide
  21. 44. everything physical in the universe
  22. 46. type of sugar that circulates in animals and plants
  23. 47. presence or introduction of something harmful or poisonous
  24. 48. the name for a group of organisms that can interbreed
  25. 50. ball of gas at the centre of our solar system
  1. 1. what makes the plant green
  2. 2. concentrates atoms going to low concerntration
  3. 3. natural environment that an organism lives in
  4. 4. related to living organisms
  5. 5. interaction between two organisms it can be parasitic, mutualistic or commensalistic
  6. 8. getting rid of forests
  7. 9. liquid worldwide component of all water on earth
  8. 10. worldwide sum of all ecosystems
  9. 11. biological community
  10. 14. process of rotting or decay
  11. 16. going to live permanently somewhere
  12. 17. unrelated to living organisms
  13. 19. bring an animal to an unnatural habitat to breed
  14. 20. the amount of a certain species
  15. 22. the act or capturing after an escape or release
  16. 24. being on fire
  17. 26. water that falls from clouds
  18. 27. small areas of a habitat, used to count population
  19. 32. below average precipitation in a region
  20. 33. the process plants do the convert light energy into chemical energy
  21. 34. a pore on a plant for gas exchange
  22. 39. influence or direct an animals behaviour
  23. 42. process of the warming of earth
  24. 45. above average precipitation resulting in flooding
  25. 49. resistant to a particular infection, virus, disease