
  1. 2. winds that are local to a specific place
  2. 3. gasses moving across the globe at different speeds
  3. 9. water moving into the clouds and making rain
  4. 10. a narrow band of air several miles above the earth
  5. 12. the second layer of the atmosphere
  6. 13. the hottest layer of the atmosphere
  7. 17. a gray sheet usually produces rain or snow
  8. 19. usually brings nice and warm weather
  9. 20. replaces warm air over an area
  10. 21. the amount of moisture in the air at any given moment
  11. 22. the layer found inside of the thermosphere
  12. 23. winds that are blowing around the world
  13. 27. the thing that allows the wind to move different directions depending where you are in the world
  14. 28. the "sweating of plants"
  15. 31. the layer of the atmosphere that protects us from meteors
  16. 32. a breeze that blows from the sea and only occurs during the day
  17. 33. a body of air
  18. 34. rain that has pollutants and is slightly more acidic
  1. 1. large rain clouds
  2. 2. land breeze blows from the land and only occurs during the night
  3. 4. the different layers that protect the earth
  4. 5. usually replaces cold fronts in an area
  5. 6. something that happens in the trophosphere
  6. 7. middle altitude clouds
  7. 8. the lowest region of the atmosphere that contains weather
  8. 11. round heaps
  9. 14. the movement of hot water moving up and cold water moving down
  10. 15. a front that stays in a place for a period over time and usually brings rain and bad weather
  11. 16. pollutants in a natural enviorment
  12. 18. the falling of rain, snow, or hail
  13. 24. taking care of the enviorment
  14. 25. usually brings rain
  15. 26. thin and wispy clouds
  16. 29. the quality of air in an area
  17. 30. the outer layer of the thermosphere