
  1. 1. scientific subject
  2. 5. matter
  3. 6. living things
  4. 8. bones embedded in something
  5. 9. keeps plants alive
  6. 10. 9.8 on Earth
  7. 11. living things
  8. 12. helps fight infection
  9. 15. not-alive
  10. 16. explains
  11. 18. force of gravity
  12. 19. deadly to humans
  13. 22. push, pull or a twist
  14. 25. fights off infection
  15. 29. using senses
  16. 31. repetition
  17. 34. help transport oxygen around the body
  18. 35. pumps blood to and from the body
  19. 36. motion and forces
  20. 37. the finding of something
  21. 38. scaled-down objects
  22. 39. the movement of something
  23. 40. cylinder measures liquids
  24. 44. prediction
  25. 45. keeps all animals alive
  26. 47. same spot
  27. 48. tests
  28. 51. function
  29. 53. to conclude the experiment
  30. 54. understanding of something
  31. 55. smallest thing in the universe
  32. 56. energy
  33. 57. universe
  34. 58. earth
  1. 2. working with chemicals
  2. 3. help blood to clot
  3. 4. results-shown-on-x-y-axis
  4. 7. something that does not change
  5. 13. living things
  6. 14. variables
  7. 17. parts of a cell
  8. 20. materials needed for experiment
  9. 21. makes things easier to go through
  10. 23. building-blocks-of-life
  11. 24. study of the universe
  12. 26. new norm.
  13. 27. measurement of force
  14. 28. measures temperature
  15. 30. where information lies
  16. 31. outcome
  17. 32. heats up chemicals
  18. 33. stores fluids
  19. 41. something that you change
  20. 42. combination of clouds and stars
  21. 43. something that you measure
  22. 46. stand
  23. 49. elements
  24. 50. plants make energy through...
  25. 52. information collected