Science and Nature

  1. 2. study of all living things
  2. 4. supercontinent
  3. 7. electrical storm
  4. 9. type of tectonic plate
  5. 10. study of outer space
  6. 13. study of insects
  7. 14. sea wave created by earthquake
  8. 17. a pioneer in plate tectonics
  9. 19. third planet from the Sun
  10. 20. sky, atmosphere, weather
  1. 1. known as a twister
  2. 3. tornado over water
  3. 5. person studies weather
  4. 6. a tropical storm
  5. 8. vibration of the earth
  6. 11. most active volcano in Hawaii
  7. 12. eruption on Earth's surface
  8. 15. knowledge from study & practice
  9. 16. study of the earth
  10. 18. arch of colors formed in the sky