Science Ch. 6 Review Guide

  1. 2. all natural objects in space are called
  2. 5. the system of stars our solar system is a part of
  3. 9. Orion, the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper are all examples of _____.
  4. 10. Who was the first man to step onto the moon?
  5. 11. the Red Planet
  6. 12. It takes the moon about one _____ to orbit Earth.
  7. 15. large storm on Jupiter's surface
  8. 18. earth's closest star that produces light and heat energy
  9. 19. what Saturn's rings are made up of
  10. 20. What makes the seasons?
  11. 22. Earth's natural satellite
  12. 23. a hole on the surface of a moon or planet made by asteroids and meteoroids have hit it
  13. 25. only planet tipped on its side
  14. 26. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars all have this common characteristic
  15. 27. the hottest and brightest planet
  16. 29. number of planets in our solar system
  17. 30. the sun's _____ helps all the planets of the solar system orbit it
  1. 1. planet that is 300 times larger than Earth
  2. 3. How do we account for the extra 1/4 day that it takes Earth to orbit the sun?
  3. 4. planet with the longest orbit around the sun
  4. 6. the earth rotates on its _____
  5. 7. a tool that tells time by using the sun
  6. 8. Earth is different from all other planets because it is _____
  7. 13. What does the gravity of the moon pull that is on Earth?
  8. 14. a giant ball of hot, glowing gas
  9. 16. We send ______ to other planets and places that humans cannot explore
  10. 17. another name for the outer planets
  11. 21. the first four planets in the solar system
  12. 24. The moon _____ the sun's light
  13. 28. smallest planet in the solar system