Science Chapter 3 Vocabulary

  1. 2. System, Prevents and fights disease
  2. 3. Muscle,Involuntary
  3. 5. System, Controls many gradual body processes by means of chemical
  4. 7. Carries blood towards heart
  5. 8. Controls the endocrine system
  6. 9. the trachea to the lungs
  7. 10. System, Takes food into the body, breaks it down and absorbs needed materials
  8. 12. Cell
  9. 13. nutrients to cells and waste away from cells
  10. 16. agent
  11. 25. pathogens
  12. 26. like structure that exchanges gases
  13. 27. Dead/Weakened pathogen given to boost immune system
  14. 28. Kills pathogens
  15. 30. makes bile
  16. 31. system, Controls most of the bodies functions
  17. 32. System, Supports the body, protects it, allows movement
  18. 33. & Socket joint,Shoulder/Hip
  19. 34. muscle to bone
  20. 35. Outermost layer of the integumentary system
  1. 1. Primary organ of the respiratory system
  2. 4. Chemical produced by the glands of the endocrine system
  3. 5. System, Removes waste from blood
  4. 6. tissue
  5. 10. sweat/oil glands
  6. 11. Bladder,Stores Bile
  7. 14. impulses and sends them into the nerve cell
  8. 15. Branched air passages in the lungs
  9. 17. System, Controls many gradual body processes by the means of chemicals
  10. 18. to destroy/ nutrilize pathogens
  11. 19. System, Takes oxygen into body and eliminates carbon dioxide
  12. 20. system, Protects the body, keeps water inside the body, helps regulate body temperature
  13. 21. System, Enables the body to move; keeps the heart beating
  14. 22. producer
  15. 23. Primary organ of the excretory system
  16. 24. Connect mouth to stomach
  17. 29. Joint,Wrist/Ankle