Science Chemistry Vocab

  1. 1. Recognized only when substances react with each other or do not react chemically, that is, when their composition changes.
  2. 3. Speeds up the reaction of a chemical change
  3. 5. The tendency of something to dissolve
  4. 7. Located on the left side of the "staircase" of the periodic table.
  5. 9. Usually changes color or creates something new
  6. 12. Can be seen without changing matter
  7. 13. Forms the stairs of the periodic table
  8. 14. Classifies Solutions
  9. 16. PH level more than 7
  10. 17. Can pass heat through
  11. 18. Quick reference for mapping item names and icons.
  1. 2. Usually is related to Chemical Changes
  2. 4. On the right side of the "staircase" of the periodic table.
  3. 6. The identity of subject does not change through this
  4. 8. PH level less than 7
  5. 10. Made up of symbols for the elements that make a substance.
  6. 11. An abbreviation coming from the element's name.
  7. 15. Solids forming in liquids