Science Crossword

  1. 3. The process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents. (E)
  2. 6. Hot liquid rock below the surface of the Earth. (M)
  3. 8. A theory of the condition of approximate equilibrium in the outer part of the earth. (I)
  4. 12. The upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, in which there is relatively low resistance to plastic flow and convection is thought to occur. (A)
  5. 16. Is a smaller earthquake that follows a larger earthquake, (A)
  6. 18. A geologic plate in which most of the crust (the top rock layer is mostly land). (C) (P)
  7. 19. A long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance (T)
  8. 20. A mountain with a hole in the top or side that sometimes sends out rocks, ash, lava, etc., in a sudden explosion (called eruption). (V)
  9. 21. Ground that slants downward or upward. (S)
  10. 23. The sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate. (S)
  11. 24. A fracture along which the blocks of crust on either side have moved relative to one another parallel to the fracture. (F)
  12. 25. A measure of the amount of energy released by an earthquake. (M)
  1. 1. The region between an oceanic trench and the associated volcanic arc. (F)
  2. 2. A large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill. (M)
  3. 4. A natural feature of the earth's surface. (L)
  4. 5. A shaking of a part of the earth's surface that often causes great damage. (E)
  5. 7. Locations on Earth's surface that has experienced active volcano activities for a long period of time. (H)
  6. 9. An elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means. (S) (W)
  7. 10. The process of making something, especially a gas, liquid. (L)
  8. 11. A part of plate tectonics. Its discovery provided a mechanism for continental drift that Alfred Wegener could not explain. In this lesson, you will learn about this important geologic process. (S) (S)
  9. 13. The point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake. (E)
  10. 14. The point within the earth where an earthquake rupture starts. (H)
  11. 15. The branch of science concerned with earthquakes and related phenomena. (S)
  12. 17. A hypothetical super continent that included all current land masses, believed to have been in existence before the continents broke apart during the Triassic and Jurassic Periods. (PAN-EA)
  13. 20. An opening exposed on the earth's surface where volcanic material is emitted. (V)
  14. 22. A mild tremor preceding the violent shaking movement of an earthquake. (F)
  15. 26. A narrow, straight, elongate, U-Shaped valley between two mountain ranges. (T)