  1. 4. Who discovered gravity?
  2. 6. What modern day country was Marie-Curie born in?
  3. 7. The bending of light through glass prism is called __________?
  4. 10. Diabetes happens because of problems in which organ of our body?
  5. 11. The band of colors obtained on a screen on passing white light through prism.
  1. 1. Which of the following is NOT a form of carbon? a)diamond b) graphite c) amorphous carbon d) ferrite
  2. 2. An acidic liquid will have a __________ pH.
  3. 3. Which cell organelle is called the powerhouse of the cell?
  4. 5. We use calories to measure this.
  5. 8. What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
  6. 9. Yeast is a type of __________.