  1. 2. also known as oil. this black, thick, and mushy liquid is usually located between rock layers.
  2. 3. added to the natural gas making it stinky.
  3. 6. plants & trees deposited in swamps either in saltwater or freshwater.
  4. 8. use to distinguish minerals from one another
  5. 9. The only planet in the solar system where living things as we know can thrive.
  6. 10. example of a natural resource that can be either renewable or nonrenewable.
  7. 11. transforms petroleum into gasolines
  8. 12. is a natural occurring, inorganic, homogeneous solid with a definite chemical composition and an ordered crystalline structure.
  9. 15. gas Made of methane and is formed deep within Earth.
  10. 17. coal, petroleum, natural gas and minerals have fixed amounts on earth.
  11. 18. Resources replenished by nature over a short period of time. Rely on Earth's natural processes to be renewed.
  12. 19. to remain renewable the __ of these resources should not exceed the rate of replenishment.
  1. 1. is essential so that future generations will not deprived of the things that we are enjoying and using right now.
  2. 4. makes diff types of rock to be renewed.
  3. 5. One of the example of natural resources
  4. 7. It is in the soil that is also recycled through the nitrogen cycle.
  5. 10. It is replenished by nature through the hydrologic cycle.
  6. 13. Resources Provide necessary things needed to survive.
  7. 14. powers every food chain and is an example of Earth's natural resource.
  8. 16. this cycle makes it possible for air to be continually used.