Science crossword

  1. 2. Hot fluid material below or within the earths crust
  2. 3. Processes by which heat is transferred by movement of a heated fluid
  3. 8. The uppermost solid part of the earth
  4. 11. Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid
  5. 13. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground sometimes causing great destruction
  6. 14. A long narrow depressions on the seafloor
  7. 15. The relatively thick part of the earths crust that forms large landmasses
  1. 1. A rock that forms when hot, molten rock crystallizes and hardens
  2. 4. A mountain or hill having a vent through which lava or magma is being erupted
  3. 5. A type of plate boundary where the plates slowly collide into each other
  4. 6. A type of plate boundary where the plates slowly move apart from each other
  5. 7. Large scale processes affecting the structure of the earths crust
  6. 9. The process in which crust pushes downward into the mantle at a fault line
  7. 10. A large segment of the Earths crust that slowly moves
  8. 12. A type of fault where the crust moves sideways past each other