Science Crossword: Our Universe–Our Solar System

  1. 3. Planets' movement around the sun
  2. 7. The invisible line on which a planet/celestial object rotates
  3. 8. Takes eight minutes to travel from the Sun to the Earth and over four hours to reach Neptune
  4. 11. Key source of light
  5. 12. Our planet
  6. 14. A flow of gas ejected from the upper atmosphere of a star
  7. 15. Electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun
  1. 1. People can be protected from this by wearing sunscreen
  2. 2. Absorbs the Sun's radiation before it reaches Earth
  3. 4. The outer planets in our solar system do this faster on their axes than the inner planets in our solar system
  4. 5. The gravitationally bound system of the Sun and all of the planets that orbit the Sun
  5. 6. Planets orbit this type of astronomical object
  6. 9. The force that attracts any physical body with mass toward the center of the Earth
  7. 10. An intense burst of electromagnetic radiation in the Sun's atmosphere
  8. 13. The angle between a planet's rotational axis and its orbital axis
  9. 16. The envelope of gases surrounding a planet