Science crossword puzzle

  1. 3. a _______ occurs along fault lines, and are formed by cracks in the earth crust where plate tectonics meet.
  2. 4. The _____ crust is the layer that makes up continents & continental shelves
  3. 5. the ____ is a very hot area beneath the earths crust formed by moving plates
  4. 8. ____A plate boundary 2 tectonic plates moving away from eachother
  5. 11. ____ is a break,crack,or fracture in the earths crust
  6. 13. a ______ is formed by 2 convergent plates colliding
  7. 14. a _____ is a large and narrow depression formed by 4 across
  8. 15. ____ A plate boundary where 2 plates slide past eachother
  1. 1. The ___________ Ridge is a ridge located along the ocean floor caused by divergent plate boundary
  2. 2. _________ is when 2 plate tectonics meet and one plate slides under the other
  3. 6. _______ is a proven theory that explains how most landforms are made IE:mountains volcanoes etc
  4. 7. ____A plate boundary where 2 or more plates collide
  5. 9. the _____ is the outermost layer of a planet
  6. 10. the _____ crust is a layer of the lithosphere that is found under water
  7. 12. a _____ is formed when one plate slides under the other (subduction) can also be formed by 7 across