Science Crossword

  1. 3. Not Acid
  2. 5. The study of matter, energy, and the interaction between them
  3. 6. Animalia, Plantae, Monera, Protista, Fungi
  4. 8. The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another
  5. 9. The study of psychotropic or psychiatric drugs
  6. 16. A gas that is found in Soda Water
  7. 19. A branch of geology that studies Rocks
  8. 20. Impulse and .....
  9. 21. Ribs cover the ________
  10. 24. Kingdom of Animals
  11. 26. Acid + Alkali = ?
  12. 28. Source of green color. Usually found in plants
  13. 29. The property of body that resist any change to its uniform motion
  14. 31. A scientist that found E=MC2
  15. 36. A branch of zoology that studies Fish
  16. 38. Negatively charged particles that circle the nucleus
  17. 41. The study of the composition, structure, properties and change of matter
  18. 42. The fundamental force of attraction that all objects with mass have for each other
  19. 43. The blue planet
  1. 1. The ability to do work
  2. 2. Kingdom of Mushrooms
  3. 3. The study of Stars
  4. 4. One of the 3 main states of matter
  5. 7. Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
  6. 10. Brass gets discoloured in air because of the presence of what gas?
  7. 11. Ribo Nucleic Acid
  8. 12. Metal that form an amalgam with other metals
  9. 13. The study of the Universe
  10. 14. The study of food
  11. 15. Smoke + Fog = ?
  12. 17. The study of atmosphere
  13. 18. Scientist that found the Evolution Theory. Charles ____
  14. 22. Measurement unit of time
  15. 23. The 3 major Domain in Biology: Eukarya, Bacteria, and ________
  16. 25. Consist of Proton, Electron, and Neutron
  17. 27. The study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms
  18. 30. Largest planet on our Solar System
  19. 32. Device that is used to take temperature
  20. 33. The founder of Halley's Comet is ..... Halley
  21. 34. The study of Living Things
  22. 35. Kingdom of Plants
  23. 37. O2 = ____
  24. 39. Not Alkali
  25. 40. Common name of H2O