science crossword

  1. 3. of all chemical waste properly
  2. 4. your lab partner is hurt immediately report to your teacher
  3. 5. is a systematic enterprise
  4. 10. lab safety rule is always work in a ventillated area
  5. 12. eyeborg is a body modification apparatus typically fits on the user head
  6. 13. must ask good questions
  7. 15. good scientist must be willing to make mistakes.
  8. 16. an accident to the teacher
  9. 18. glassware good be hot for a long time
  10. 20. science refer to the study of society
  11. 21. first entering a science room do not touch any experiment.
  12. 23. must always good housekeeping practicie
  1. 1. science anlyze the study of the natrul property energy
  2. 2. science is the study of living things
  3. 6. all labels on chemical bottles twice
  4. 7. lenses may not be worn in the labatory
  5. 8. alert and proceed with caution at all time
  6. 9. lab safety rule is conduct your self in a responsible
  7. 11. only those experiment authorized by your teacher
  8. 12. water bottle is both technology and science
  9. 14. is the application of knowledge,tools process to solve problems
  10. 17. and space is the study of the earth
  11. 19. not eat food or drink breverage in the lab
  12. 22. work alone in the labortoray