Science Fields

  1. 2. study of the composition, structure, properties, and change of matter
  2. 6. study of sound
  3. 7. study of plants
  4. 8. study of space
  5. 10. study of life and living organisms
  6. 11. study of material remains, usually ancient
  7. 14. branch of science that studies fossil plants and animals
  8. 15. study of matter, energy, motion, and force
  9. 16. study of the Earth's physical structure
  1. 1. study of fish
  2. 3. branch of science concerned with weather or climate
  3. 4. study of the sea
  4. 5. study of soil
  5. 9. study of disease
  6. 12. branch of biology that deals with organism to organism relations
  7. 13. study of animals