science is cool

  1. 3. system the system we need to breathe
  2. 8. A growing bacteria
  3. 10. a parasite that enters your body
  4. 11. is not infectious
  5. 12. lack of water
  6. 14. system a group of organs that work together
  7. 16. can spread from one person to another
  8. 17. system what we use to digest our food
  9. 18. a group of cells that work together
  10. 19. Smallest life to exist
  1. 1. a term for a single-celled organism
  2. 2. too cold for the body
  3. 4. what we use to prevent a disease
  4. 5. system what we use to get rid of our waste
  5. 6. what we use to treat a diseasse
  6. 7. An infectious agent that can only replicate within a host organism
  7. 9. likely to be transmitted from person to person
  8. 13. an individual animal or plant
  9. 15. something that invades the body