Science Machines By Rosario Distefano

  1. 3. A Tool of one or more part with uses energy to perform a action
  2. 4. A device that does work with only one movement
  3. 6. A inclined plane in a spiral around a cylindrical post
  4. 7. Two inclined planes back to back like, wedge, axe, and knife
  5. 9. Work power and machines
  6. 10. Change direction of force
  7. 12. Simple Machines Working together
  8. 13. Compares work output of a machine to wok input of a machine
  9. 14. A inclined plane with one or two sloping slides
  1. 1. Force to get a machine to work
  2. 2. Modified lever
  3. 3. Force that is applied to a Machine, machine produces less force than force put in
  4. 5. The rate at which work is measured in watts
  5. 8. A bar that pivots around a point
  6. 11. The transfer of engery