Science module 9

  1. 6. a term used to describe offspring that are born without hearing or see or movement or regulate body temp or elim waste
  2. 8. baby flies
  3. 10. a term used to describe offspring that are born able to see, hear, move about, regulate body temp, and elimate waste
  4. 11. all life forms_
  5. 13. cells that come from animals
  6. 14. all life forms can_ changes in their surroundings and respond to those changes
  7. 15. all life forms have a method by which they extract energy from the _ and convert it into energy
  1. 1. all life forms of _ acid wich is called DNA
  2. 2. a cell without a nucleus
  3. 3. the process where a plant sucks up the suns energy and uses it as energy
  4. 4. the process of a fly
  5. 5. the smallest unit of life in cretion
  6. 7. cells that are from plants
  7. 9. God designed these atoms to link together to form building items
  8. 12. special structures