- 3. Surrounded by oceans.
- 4. Is a rock that has large crystals.
- 5. A layer of rock that forms forms earths outer skin.
- 9. The soft layer.
- 11. They are scientists who study the forces that make and shape planet earth.
- 12. Heat transfer by direct contact of particles of matter.
- 15. Waves When earthquakes occur the produce the waves.
- 17. Transfer The movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object.
- 1. Core Is a dense ball of solid metal.
- 2. Is dark dense rocks.
- 3. Forces Shape the surface by building up mountains and landmasses.
- 6. The transfer of energy through empty space.
- 7. The upper part of the mantle and crust together.
- 8. Forces Are those that slowly wear away mountains and eventually ever other feature on the suface.
- 10. The material that forms Earth's hard surface
- 12. Current Is the flow that transfer heat within a fluid.
- 13. Is a measure of how much mass there is in a volume.
- 14. Core Is a layer of molten metal that surrounds the inner core.
- 16. A layer of hot rock.