Science Puzzle

  1. 3. negatively charged particles
  2. 4. a bond between a negatively charged anion and a positively charged cation
  3. 7. electrons on the outermost shell
  4. 10. group 3-12
  5. 11. the gas we breath
  6. 12. Used to consider how electrons are placed in a atom
  7. 16. the law of the periodic table
  8. 17. elements on the right side of the periodic table
  9. 19. outermost shell
  10. 21. positively charged particles
  11. 22. the table with all the elements
  12. 23. a molecule that contains 2 or more different atoms bonded together
  13. 25. have characteristics of both metal and non metals
  14. 26. 1 electron
  15. 27. group 1
  1. 1. a molecule made up of a negatively charged anion and a positively charged cation
  2. 2. group of 2 or more atoms
  3. 5. the first creator of the periodic table
  4. 6. Positively charged ion
  5. 8. number of protons in a atom
  6. 9. gases at room temperature
  7. 13. won two noble prizes
  8. 14. elements on the left side of the periodic table
  9. 15. vertical lists of element
  10. 18. Horizontal rows in the periodic table
  11. 20. group 2
  12. 24. a negativly charged ion formed when an atom gains electron