Science Puzzle

  1. 3. technology that means to change temporarily
  2. 5. makes up 15% of your total body weight
  3. 8. is a filter, heater, and a humidifier
  4. 9. system with smooth muscles, and tendons
  5. 13. biomaterials must be
  6. 18. vessels can wrap around the earth twice
  7. 19. system with bones, cartilage, ligaments
  8. 21. system with heart, blood, and blood vessels
  9. 22. is the process of creating technology
  10. 23. biomaterials must be made into
  11. 24. system with skin, hair, sweat glands
  1. 1. technology that means to change permanently
  2. 2. make up 40% of your total weight
  3. 4. made from a natural or synthetic material
  4. 6. biomaterials must be
  5. 7. system with mouth, nose, trachea, bronchi, lungs
  6. 10. are the only organs that can float
  7. 11. easy to make and exactly what you need
  8. 12. system brain, spinal cords, and nerves are used in this process
  9. 14. biomaterials must be made into
  10. 15. are something to help you see that is assistive tech.
  11. 16. is the application of engineering (tech.)to living things, such as humans and plants
  12. 17. sometimes the body does not like them
  13. 20. you have 206 of these