Science Puzzle

  1. 3. Basic unit of light and all other electromagnetic radiation
  2. 5. Kimberley Process
  3. 6. Longitudinal waves cannot travel through
  4. 8. Adding oxygen to form an oxide
  5. 10. glass Colloidal gold + molten glass
  6. 12. C8H7 N3O2
  7. 14. Instrument used to measure force and velocity of wind
  8. 15. Catalytic converter are generally made of
  9. 16. Supercooled liquid
  1. 1. Velocity at which a falling object stops accelerating
  2. 2. National chemistry laboratory is situated in
  3. 4. natural radioactivity
  4. 7. anti-satellite missile tested by India on 27th March 2019
  5. 9. Solid CO2
  6. 11. Anti-radiation missile developed by DRDO in 2020
  7. 13. Age of fishes