  1. 4. are devices that make your everyday tasks easier.
  2. 5. is an inclined plane or two inclined planes that meet each other to form a sharp edge.
  3. 7. FORCE is the force you apply on the machine
  4. 8. MACHINE factories, on the other hand, use machines with two or more simple machines working together.
  5. 10. MACHINE consists of two simple machines put together.
  6. 12. is a straight or curved rigid bar that is free to turn about a fixed point. All levers have three locations of interest:
  7. 13. energy from the sun reaches the earth in the form of radiant energy that travels by electromagnetic waves.
  8. 15. resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another
  9. 16. the quality of being hot, high temperature.
  10. 17. FORCE as you apply force, you perform work.
  11. 18. PLANE is a plane tilted at an angle, with one end higher that the other.
  1. 1. energy of moving object
  2. 2. AND AXLE is a machine that has a small disk or shaft.
  3. 3. vibration that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s or animals ear.
  4. 6. is actually a spiral inclined plane. It is composed of a cylindrical body with a spiral ridge.
  5. 9. is a grooved wheel that turns around an axle which is held in place by a mounting bracket.
  6. 11. energy that can make an object move.
  7. 14. force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth or toward any other physical body having mass