Science Review Chapter 3

  1. 5. the top layer of skin
  2. 8. the system that controls body functions and activities
  3. 10. the type of circulation that provides large amounts of oxygen and nutrients necessary to keep the heart pumping
  4. 12. the straw-colored liquid in the blood
  5. 14. the body's largest internal organ
  6. 15. large blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
  7. 18. a long muscular tube that connects your mouth to your stomach
  8. 19. a group of tissues specifically arranged to perform a definite function or functions
  9. 20. the "breathing muscle"
  10. 21. a break or crack in a bone
  11. 23. large, spongy organs of the respiratory system
  12. 25. bundles of fibers that connect the central nervous system with the rest of the body
  13. 27. large blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  14. 29. the system that moves body parts
  15. 31. the type of glands that help the thyroid gland control blood calcium
  16. 32. the type of muscle that functions whether you think about it or not
  17. 33. the nerve fibers that transmit messages from the central nervous system to the muscles and other organs
  1. 1. the nervous system composed of the nerves and nerve tissues
  2. 2. the nervous system that contains the brain and spinal cord
  3. 3. the system that transports nutrients, wastes, respiratory gases and other materials
  4. 4. the chief organ of the nervous system
  5. 6. the system that covers and protects the body
  6. 7. the chemical substances that control growth, digestion, and other automatic activities
  7. 9. a group of organs that function together as a unit to perform a definite job for the body
  8. 11. the largest part of the brain that controls conscious though and reason
  9. 13. the system that breaks down and absorbs nutrients
  10. 16. strong, tough tissues that connect to other bones
  11. 17. the wrinkled, fist sized mass at the back of the brain below the cerebrum
  12. 18. the hardest substance in the body
  13. 22. the system that provides oxygen to the blood and removes carbon dioxide from it
  14. 24. the nerve fibers that transmit information to the brain and spinal cord
  15. 26. the type of circulation that transports blood back and forth between the lungs and the heart
  16. 28. the system that concentrates and removes liquid wastes
  17. 30. the place where two or more bones meet