Science Safety

  1. 2. if chemicals get in your eyes, use the _____ station
  2. 4. wash your _____ before leaving the lab
  3. 7. don't stick your _____ in chemicals to smell them
  4. 9. wear _____ to protect your eyes
  5. 11. no _____ or drink allowed in lab
  6. 12. no wearing _____ in the lab
  7. 14. make sure to put long _______ up
  8. 15. do not work _____ in the lab
  9. 16. don't pick up broken _____ with your hands
  1. 1. no _____ in the lab to keep aisles clear
  2. 3. put products in appropriate _____ containers
  3. 5. tuck _____ clothing in
  4. 6. assume all liquids are _____
  5. 8. make sure your _____ cover your body
  6. 10. never test something by _____ it
  7. 13. must wear close-toed _____ in the lab