Science safety

  1. 2. do not use your mouth to fill this
  2. 5. have this at all times in the lab don't be reckless
  3. 9. Never work like this always have a instructor.
  4. 10. Check this on all chemicals to know what you are handling
  5. 11. Do not put this in cold water or it may shatter
  6. 15. if this is on your skin wash with plenty of water
  7. 16. cutting into of a dead animal to learn about the anatomy or physiology of the animal.
  8. 18. do not keep this or drink in the lab
  9. 20. should be worn to protect face and eyes
  10. 23. Do not do this or fight in the lab
  1. 1. ask this person if you have any questions
  2. 3. Be like this always in the lab and haver respect.
  3. 4. the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
  4. 6. Handle flammable liquids over this to contain them
  5. 7. the scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.
  6. 8. Use a fume and always work in this type of area
  7. 12. Dont have this type of clothing or Hair in the lab
  8. 13. Dispose of as instructed by your instructor
  9. 14. keep away from flammable objects
  10. 17. the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.
  11. 19. Keep the aisles like this to keep from tripping or falling
  12. 21. worn to protect hands
  13. 22. Don't use if chipped or broke