Science Safety Rules and Equipment

  1. 2. A place in the classroom you should only be with permission and supervision
  2. 5. What we use if a person is on fire.
  3. 7. Always needs to be tied back
  4. 8. This material looks the same extremely hot and freezing
  5. 9. These two 'G' beginning items are important to wear for protection during experiments
  6. 10. This is what you use when you get chemicals in your eyes
  7. 11. This is the type of shoes you should wear on lab days
  8. 12. What fire safety tool is located next to each of the fire extinguishers in the classroom
  9. 13. This is who you should go to if you are unsure of any lab procedure questions
  1. 1. What should you pour on your skin after dripping lab liquids onto it
  2. 3. Who in your lab group should be participating in the experiment
  3. 4. What do you use when measuring something close to 100mL
  4. 6. What you should use if you need to protect your clothes