Science & Scientific Method

  1. 2. large noisy bug
  2. 4. set down data in a written form
  3. 5. information gathered from observations
  4. 6. a prticular porcedure for accomplishing something
  5. 9. the rate at which something occurs over a particular period of time
  6. 10. usually involves descriptions rather than numbers
  7. 11. completely remove or get rid of
  8. 13. decision reached by analysing the results or data
  9. 14. measuring, usually involves numbers
  10. 15. a proposed scientific explanation for an observation
  1. 1. factor that can be changed
  2. 3. the statement that shows what you expect to see as a result of the experiment
  3. 7. data you can see, feel, hear, smell or taste
  4. 8. a logical interpretation based on evidence and reasoning
  5. 12. examine results in order to explain or interpret
  6. 13. establish the truth of something
  7. 16. the study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment