
  1. 2. Source of nitrogen for plants
  2. 4. Fishes breathe through ______.
  3. 5. earthworms breath through their _____
  4. 8. The rigid rod is arranged in such a manner that it can move freely around a fixed joint
  5. 9. It is the turning point or the point of support around which the rod moves
  6. 10. Protects our heart and lungs
  7. 12. Source of nitrogen for animals
  8. 14. An aquatic animal that breathes through lungs
  9. 15. When we put simple machines together, we get.
  10. 18. 33 of them forms the backbone
  11. 19. Chambers in animal's body part where exchange of gases takes place in breathing
  1. 1. Example of a complex machine
  2. 3. States of matter where molecules are tightly packed.
  3. 5. In solid _______ attract each other wit great force.
  4. 6. A part of the body that is protected by backbone
  5. 7. The three states of matter depend on the ________ of particles.
  6. 11. The process by which seeds are scattered away from mother plant.
  7. 13. The gas that is essential for life
  8. 16. It contains stored food which is used by baby plant for growth
  9. 17. Gas that prevents fires from becoming uncontrollable