
  1. 2. It makes up everything
  2. 4. The highest point of a wave
  3. 5. A cell with no nucleus
  4. 7. The Mrs.Osborne of a cell.
  5. 9. This organelle protects the cell
  6. 14. How plants make food
  7. 15. The outcome of a chemical reaction
  8. 17. The lowest point of a wave
  9. 18. The area of a magnetic force around a magnet
  10. 19. Unlike Poles have this
  11. 20. A change that cannot be undone
  12. 23. Some examples are webbed feet, scales, and a long beak
  13. 25. This organelle produces protein
  14. 26. A change that can be undone
  15. 29. Two or more combined atoms
  16. 30. The distance from the crest/trough to crest/trough
  17. 33. A cell that has a nucleus
  18. 35. Electricity travels through a closed _______
  19. 37. The most basic substance you can get
  20. 38. Like poles have this
  1. 1. Something that has never lived
  2. 2. The powerhouse of the cell
  3. 3. The closet/attic of a cell
  4. 6. The most basic building block of matter
  5. 8. Things used to make a product in a chemical reaction
  6. 10. These are negatively charged.
  7. 11. The amount of matter in an object
  8. 12. You can see this energy when you are moving
  9. 13. Attracts the north pole
  10. 14. Most of this energy occurs when something is still
  11. 16. Need to be coded
  12. 21. This organelle is the garbage man of a cell
  13. 22. Half the distance between the crest and trough
  14. 24. Old school
  15. 27. Two or more combined elements
  16. 28. A process that or reaction in which the system absorbs energy from its surroundings in the form of heat
  17. 31. The number of wavelengths that pass by a point in a second
  18. 32. Repels the north pole
  19. 34. They are positively charged
  20. 36. These are living or have lived