
  1. 2. sampling small bugs living in bushes
  2. 8. kinetic, heat, light these are all forms of energy
  3. 9. an energy name starting with k
  4. 11. eats both plants and animals
  5. 15. mixing acids and alkalis together
  6. 17. 7 on a ph scale
  7. 18. can catch fire
  8. 19. theres no more left
  1. 1. alkalis are ____on the ph scale
  2. 3. your heart pumps this around your body
  3. 4. the colour of strong acid is
  4. 5. over 7 on a ph scale
  5. 6. energy name starts with g
  6. 7. eats only plants
  7. 10. when a toxic hazard is on a substance it is..
  8. 12. an environment were organisms are safe
  9. 13. for sampling the percentage cover of plants on the ground
  10. 14. units of energy
  11. 16. above 7 on a ph scale
  12. 18. how many chambers are there in a heart