
  1. 4. made up of atoms
  2. 5. two or more elements
  3. 7. atoms attach using this kind of bond
  4. 8. negative charge
  5. 9. smallest piece of matter
  6. 12. when you can't see the parts
  7. 13. the thickness
  8. 14. makes a positive charge
  9. 17. study of matter
  10. 18. how much matter is in a object
  1. 1. the gravitational pull on an object
  2. 2. 2 or more elements and atoms
  3. 3. when you can't see the mixture's parts
  4. 6. something that is pure
  5. 10. how much space an object holds
  6. 11. you can see the parts
  7. 15. are in the middle of the atom
  8. 16. how it looks